29 November 2012

Dipping a Toe (Again)

I've kept this blog off and on (mostly on) for a number of years. It never reached a huge audience, and that's okay. I began it as an outlet because I was encountering a number of big events and required a means of expression. The big events continued (as they do), but I pretty much stopped blogging after the death of my late husband.

Now, you might be thinking, "if maintaining M, P, & G, S, had been a real outlet, then she would have not only kept at it, but maniacally so." To which I say, "nah." But then, I expect that any widow or widower would say this: you lose interest in nearly everything after losing your spouse. I didn't fall into a depression so much as I just--felt neutered. I am still trying to emerge from that state. It comes and it goes, but I can say that colors are reappearing and interests are being re-piqued. And that's all one can ask for.

The point is that I'm going to attempt to reintroduce myself to blogging now that I'm feeling like I can "speak" again. So there it is. Onward and upward. 

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